Creating Places: A Citizen Observer's Look at Nashville's Built Environment

Writer's Note: William Williams' interest in the manmade environment dates to 1970, at which point the then-young Williams started a collection of postcards of city skylines. The collection now numbers 1,000-plus cards. Among the writer's specific interests are exterior building design, city district planning, demographics, signage, mixed-use development, mass transit and green/sustainable construction and living. Williams began his Creating Places column with The City Paper in February 2005. The column in its original form was discontinued in September 2008 and reinvented via this blog in November 2008. Creating Places can be found on the home page of the website of The City Paper, at which Williams has worked in various capacities since October 2000.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Creating Places: HKS

I'm hearing Dallas-based architecture company HKS will be the lead designer for the proposed Omni Hotel tower to accompany the Music City Center convention facility. Of note, however, HKS has a rendering on its website for a "Nashville Peabody Hotel" (and nothing for the Omni). Baffling. Could HKS, which has done a good bit of international work, be designing both the Omni and what could be a Peabody? Perhaps the website info is outdated and there will be no Peabody any time soon. I can't determine. Regardless, HKS creates some very 21st century, eye-catching designs.


  1. HKS submitted an initial bid in conjunction w/Peabody -- renderings were produced as part of the submission, so I'm assuming they just pulled one of those sketches and placed it on the website, even prior to any official award announcement.

  2. Anonymous,

    Thanks for the explanation. This sounds likely. I thought it might be something of this nature but was puzzled nonetheless.


