Creating Places: A Citizen Observer's Look at Nashville's Built Environment

Writer's Note: William Williams' interest in the manmade environment dates to 1970, at which point the then-young Williams started a collection of postcards of city skylines. The collection now numbers 1,000-plus cards. Among the writer's specific interests are exterior building design, city district planning, demographics, signage, mixed-use development, mass transit and green/sustainable construction and living. Williams began his Creating Places column with The City Paper in February 2005. The column in its original form was discontinued in September 2008 and reinvented via this blog in November 2008. Creating Places can be found on the home page of the website of The City Paper, at which Williams has worked in various capacities since October 2000.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Creating Places: More tidbits

A few random musings as the music of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds fills my tiny living quarters ...

*  I'm not sure what to think about the exterior of the radically reinvented building located on the southeast corner of Eighth Avenue South and Division Street and home to Pour House. (Check some photos here.) On the one hand, there is an industrial hint that I find appealing. In contrast, I detect a "children's treehouse meets giant Lincoln Logs creation" vibe that is jarring. That said, I hear the interior vibe — and beer selection — is stellar. In fact, I see Pour House has Schlafly kolsch on tap. So I need to make my first visit soon.

* The "cap" for the Music City Center convention facility is now being lit at night. Very tasteful.

* One of the most eye-catching building exteriors of recent addition is that of The Filling Station in 12South. Check this mural (taken from The Filling Station Facebook page) on the structure's west wall:


  1. WW....when can we expect major work by Turner Construction to commence on the West End Summit? I was by there on Friday and saw a few of what looked like drilling machines on site, and it seems Lake Palmer has been drained, but it does not appear that any large scale work is happening yet.

    1. AMous,

      I would expect major work to start any day.


  2. I'd also like to know when the West End Summit will start.

  3. The sign says 2014 finish.

  4. Saw what seemed to be a new sign today that states Spring 2015.

  5. Yes, the WES sign has read "Coming Spring 2015" since the project was relaunched last year. Like many others, I'm anxious to see this one start rising. I too noticed a number of workers on the site earlier this week. It appeared they were doing some type of drilling and minor excavation, but no large scale work so far.

  6. Replies
    1. AMous,

      I've been delinquent in posting.

      Stuff coming.


